Mom to Mom Sale & Vendor/Craft Show Fundraiser for the Class of 2025. Please click the link for a registration form with more information:
That's the final bow! Thank you to everyone who helped make "Mean Girls" a successful and fantastic production this spring. Special thank you to our senior theater members for their time and dedication to help grow this program to where it is today! #PioneerPRIDE
Ms. Fritz & Mrs. Smith took our Life Skills class to The Henry Ford last Friday and enjoyed a beautiful weather day to take it all in!
🎷 Join us as the Cros-Lex High School Symphonic Band puts on a fantastic Spring band concert on May 2nd at 7 pm in the Cros-Lex High School Cafetorium. Admission is free, but donations are always welcome. We can't wait to see you there! 🎶🎺
It's Opening Night! CLHS Theater presents the musical "Mean Girls" starting tonight with shows all weekend.
The CLHS Band is headed to states today in Bay City! Save travels and good luck to the Pride of the Pioneers!
CLHS Conservation Club members spent time in Mrs. Flaherty's Kindergarten Readiness Class helping younger Pioneers with projects today for Earth Day!
Students in Mrs. Bombard's WWII class as well as last year's class enjoyed having guest speaker Ken Hafeli present "A Family Put on Hold" today. This presentation included pictures, letters, and diary entries from his parents during WWII.
Look at these smiles! Mrs. Paradoski held the FAFSA drawing at our senior meeting yesterday and all of these seniors went home with a prize!
Congratulations to our April Student of the Month, Olivia Kita!
Congratulations to high school teacher Mike Corsetti, who was nominated for the Staff Spotlight!
Congratulations to the April Students of the Month; we are proud of you! Thank you to Lexington A&W for sponsoring the students!
CLHS is ready for the Solar Eclipse this Monday! Hoping for nice weather so that staff and students can use the glasses we purchased to safely get good views!
Congratulations to senior Shelby Nunn who placed 2nd in the Color Photography Category at the First Impressions Michigan-Themed Art Contest at the county level yesterday!
THANK YOU to Officer Gezequel from the Sanilac County Sheriff's Department for talking to our students about the dangers of vaping today!
Congratulations to the March Students of the Month! We are proud of you!
CLHS Students Kate Hartman & Miranda Mott read books at Geiger Early Childhood Center for March is Reading Month last week! #PioneersAreLEADERS
Congratulations to Makayla Blashill who recently signed with Missouri Valley College to be a member of their target shooting team next year!
The first ever BWAC Art Expo starts tonight at Yale High School. See the flyer below for details. These students have artwork on display for the expo (L to R): Dominic Benchley, Devon Chisholm, Marlo Main, Sara Trudeau, Christina Seghi, Emma Clark, Emma Zimmerman. #PioneerPRIDE
INCOMING 9TH GRADE COURSE SELECTION FOR THE 24-25 SCHOOL YEAR: Counselors will be going into English classes tomorrow, March 11th to present on 24-25 school year course selection. Please make every effort for your student to be present. Please see the attached PowerPoint presentation: and the Curriculum Handbook: for pertinent information you will need to help your student be ready to select their courses for next year.