ATHLETICS UPDATE: Cross Country and Tennis are both cancelled for today (September 8th). We will update with a reschedule date for each once all schools have confirmed. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Lisa Burns
PM CAREER CENTER is cancelled for today (September 8th) due to a power outage. Parents who wish to excuse their children for the afternoon , please call the high school office. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Burns
Message from Coach Legrow regarding Football: Practice will resume Tuesday, September 8th for both JV and Varsity players. JV practice will be from 4pm-6pm and Varsity will be 4pm-6:30pm. Athletes need to be parked in the student parking lot only due to home events in Cross Country and tennis. These practices are now mandatory. We will meet outside between the tennis courts and locker room doors for wellness checks and a phased in locker room use starting at 3:15. Please bring and wear a mask when you are waiting for your wellness check and using the locker room. If you wish to either come out for football, or do not want to play anymore please contact Coach LeGrow or Coach Jackson. The first game for the JV will be at Imlay City on 9/17 The first game for the Varsity will be Home against Imlay City on 9/18 Coach LeGrow
over 4 years ago, Lisa Burns
LOCKER INFO: From the Skyward App, Login to the app. Click the 3 bars. Click Student Information. From your device, use this video to help.
over 4 years ago, Lisa Burns
SCHEDULING UPDATE: Skyward is now open for students to view schedules! Great big thank you to our guidance office for all of their hard work! If you have a question or concern regarding your schedule, use this link. Make sure you are using your croslex email account!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Burns
Cros-Lex High School Present VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE Please click the link below organized by grade for information in addition to the Virtual Open House that was sent and posted earlier this week. Virtual Open House presentations were also emailed to students today via their school email accounts, 9th GRADE 10th GRADE 11th GRADE 12th GRADE
over 4 years ago, Lisa Burns
Hello, Pioneers! Please click the link below for access to our CLHS Virtual Orientation for the 2020-2021 school year. This is important information for all students and parents. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Burns
Virtual Orientation 20-21
Good morning, Pioneers! Reminder that Student Device Pickup is happening today Tuesday (Sept. 1) from 8am-4pm at the high school front entrance. Here is a link to the device agreement if you would like to print and fill it out ahead of time. Otherwise, we have copies when you come in for pickup. Have a great day!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Burns
Mrs. Shell & Mrs. Johnston at device pickup
ATHLETICS UPDATE: Cross Country for today (8/27) has been postponed until 9am tomorrow (8/28). Boys Tennis for today has been rescheduled to next Wednesday (9/2) at 3:30pm.
over 4 years ago, Lisa Burns
Boys Tennis vs PHN is cancelled for today (8/27) due to inclement weather.
over 4 years ago, Lisa Burns
It’s a great day at Cros-Lex! Pioneer tennis opened their season today at home against Sandusky. Blue skies and great sportsmanship! Proud of our spectators following social distancing guidelines. Go Pioneers!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Burns
Pioneer Boys Tennis vs. Sandusky
Good morning, Pioneers! Student Device Pickup is happening today (Tuesday, Aug 25) and next Tuesday (Sept. 1) from 8am-4pm at the high school front entrance. Here is a link to the device agreement if you would like to print and fill it out ahead of time. Otherwise, we have copies when you come in for pickup. Have a great day!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Burns
High School Student Device Distribution is Tuesday, Aug 25 and Tuesday, Sept 1 from 8am to 4pm at the high school. We apologize that the link in the previous post was an incomplete form. We will post a corrected form link in the morning. Forms are also available in the high school office. Thank you for your understanding. Go Pioneers!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Burns
CROSS COUNTRY - Message from Coach Shaw: Cross-Country practice will be 8:00 am at the High School Track Monday-Friday. Bring a mask for times we are not moving and your own well marked water bottle. You must have a copy of the MHSAA Health Assessment or a 2020 Physical.
over 4 years ago, Lisa Burns
PARKING PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATION Typically, students purchase passes in June. However due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to process passes during that time. Only those students who will be attending Face-to-Face instruction and/or attending the Career Center can apply for parking permits for the 2020-2021 school year. 100% online students cannot apply for a parking permit. Permit applications can be picked up at the high school main office between 8am and 2pm according to the following schedule: Seniors (Class of 2021) can pick up parking permit applications on: Thursday, August 13th Monday, August 17th And Tuesday, August 18th Juniors (Class of 2022) can pick up applications on: Wednesday, August 19th Thursday, August 20th And Monday, August 24th Sophomores (Class of 2023) can pick up applications on: Tuesday, August 25th And Wednesday August 26th The office hours are 8am to 2:00pm for parking permits. Please wear a mask when entering the office. Thank you and Go Pioneers!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Burns
Pioneer Families , just a reminder that the 100% Virtual Learning registration closes on Aug 12th at 5:00 PM. For 100% Virtual Learning details visit To register your student(s) for 100% Virtual Learning use the appropriate links below. Grades K-4: Grades 5-8: Grades 9-12: For more details, (including all the links mentioned) please visit
over 4 years ago, Cros-Lex Community Schools
Online Learning Document
Thank You for you for your support for the 2020-21 Marching Band Camp! The performance has been posted to the district YouTube page and can be seen at: Many thanks to the Band Boosters and to the Cros-Lex employees who helped out and made band camp possible!
over 4 years ago, Cros-Lex Community Schools
Marching Band Taking the Field
Just wanted to take a minute to remind you that the high school office will be open today (Tuesday, July 28) and Thursday (July 30) from 8am until noon. Please wear a face covering when entering the office. Have a fantastic day! We are looking forward to coming back to school soon!
over 4 years ago, Cros-Lex Community Schools
Return to School Information: Face to Face or Virtual, which is right for your student(s). Check our website for Superintendent Gilbertson's letter at to let us know how you want to back to School by Aug 5th Click link for survey.
over 4 years ago, Cros-Lex Community Schools
Covid RoadMap Infographics
Covid RoadMap Infographics
Food Pickup Tomorrow (7-21), 10:00 to Noon at High School East Parking Lot. 7 days of breakfast and lunch will be offered.
over 4 years ago, Cros-Lex Community Schools
Food Pickup 10-Noon.  7/21/20 at Croslex HS