Hello Parents! We have recently posted a newsletter with some resources for our online students and parents on our website and Facebook page including a link to sign up for our new online tutoring program. Please follow this link to the newsletter. Thank you! https://5il.co/lrvb
Pioneer Varsity Volleyball is hosting a Quad today with Marlette, Armada, and Port Huron High. Go Pioneers!
YEARBOOK ORDERS: Reminder that yearbook orders are due tomorrow, October 2nd. You can order your yearbook at www.yearbookforever.com
The 2020 Sanilac County Family Resource Guide is linked below:
COATS FOR KIDS: If you have a child in need of a coat or know someone who does, please click the link below and fill out the form. Thank you to Coats for Kids!
GUIDANCE OFFICE UPDATE: Students, If you are interested in taking college courses through Dual Enrollment for the winter semester, you must sign up in the guidance office by Wednesday, October 14th. If you are a virtual only student, please email Mrs. Paradoski to let her know you are interested. We will have a meeting to go over details later in the month.
ATHLETICS UPDATE: There have been a few scheduling changes recently affecting upcoming contests.
Varsity Football Saturday 10/2 is now AWAY at North Branch at 7pm.
9th/JV/Varsity Volleyball originally scheduled for 10/20 at home vs. North Branch has been rescheduled to Monday, 10/5 at home.
Also, please welcome our new High School Athletic Director, Jeff Kosal, who began working at the high school today!
Thank you! Go Pioneers!
Good Afternoon Parents:
On Tuesday October 6th, instead of having an early release day as previously planned, we will be having a virtual/remote learning day. This means that our Face-2-Face (F2F) students will not be attending school and instead will be working on assignments given to them through Brightspace or through paper copies/packets. We look forward to seeing our F2F students back on Wednesday October 7th.
If any parent still needs to schedule a conference with their child’s teacher, please use this link croslex.org/pt to schedule a middle school / high school conference, or contact your child’s elementary teacher to set up your conference. Please be sure that your contact information in Skyward is accurate and up to date so the teacher will be calling the correct contact number for your conference. Please be aware that when our teachers call you the caller ID may indicate anonymous or from the 617 area code.
Go Pioneers!
Daniel Gilbertson
Reminder: Picture Day is tomorrow (September 29th) for all students. Virtual students can come to the outside door of the band room between 7:30am and 2:30pm for pictures. Thank you!
It's a great day at CLHS! Mrs. Bombard's Michigan History class took advantage of the nice weather to go outside to film their newscasts of important events in Michigan's history.
Senior Photo Update from Mrs. Arndt https://docs.google.com/document/d/137Tq3d_QHkmnd6EitG_KPtSNwzRNQOnszTXeUjD6Ses/edit?usp=sharing
Cros-Lex Varsity football will host Imaly City at 7:00 pm. Watch the game on YouTube, GO PIONEERS! https://youtu.be/_HhkhxrPjRQ
Good morning Pioneer families! Tonight is our first Varsity Home Football game. We wanted to share information and guidelines from the MHSAA which are attached to our website in a similar post. The MHSAA has limited spectators to 2 per athlete for those in Phase 4. Your name MUST be on a spectator list designated by the athletes themselves in order to attend. Also, per MHSAA requirements, all spectators, event staff, players, MUST wear a mask properly covering both nose and mouth from the time they enter the stadium until the time they exit the stadium. These requirements from MHSAA will be enforced. We will not be charging admission tonight and we appreciate your cooperation in helping us follow these requirements so that our kids can play sports this season. For those who are not on the spectator list, we are happy to announce that we will be live streaming the event tonight on our website and Facebook page. Here is the direct link to the live broadcast! Go Pioneers!! https://youtu.be/_HhkhxrPjRQ
It’s a great day at CLHS! I popped into AP Biology this morning where students were examining all forms of life in a soil sample. Including this 8 legged little guy.
First BWAC Cross Country HS Jamboree today! Go Pioneers!
JV Volleyball Home Opener tonight for a BWAC Quad! Go Pioneers!
CLHS staff members supporting our student athletes today at a golf fundraiser for the Boys Golf and Boys Basketball teams! Outstanding event with incredible community support!
Good evening, Pioneer families! As we are approaching the second week of school, we would like to say how proud we are of our students and staff as they made our first week go very smoothly! We know that there are still some challenges and probably will still be a few more bumps in the road along the way, but so far there has been a tremendous amount of patience, grace, and resiliency shown by our students, staff, and parents. We are so grateful for all of these partnerships as this will truly take a team effort this year more than others. We are optimistic for the future and will continue to work through things together. Thank you and here's to a great second week!
Go Pioneers!
PICTURE DAY INFORMATION can be found on this flyer. Thank you! https://5il.co/ktfl
LUNCH & BELL SCHEDULE CHANGE: To accommodate for proper balancing of student numbers at lunchtime, we have changed the lunch schedule. The new schedule will begin tomorrow. See attached schedule that is also being emailed to students tonight. Thank you! https://5il.co/ktev