Congratulations to our 2022 Outstanding Educator of the Year High School teacher Stacy Fritz! This award is sponsored by Linda and Kent France and is nominated by the instructional staff and selected anonymously from Sanilac Community Foundation.
over 2 years ago, Cros-Lex Community Schools
left to right, Lisa Burns, Stacy Fritz & Colette Moody
over 2 years ago, Sara Sheridan
Pioneer Game Day!
over 2 years ago, Sara Sheridan
game day
Pioneer Game Day!
over 2 years ago, Sara Sheridan
game day
Good morning Pioneer families, HS SCHEDULING UPDATE: Great news! Schedules are now open in Skyward! Please remind your students to check their schedules. An email has been sent to all students through their school email account with information about how to request a schedule change. We hope to see you at Open House on Wednesday night! Have a great day!
over 2 years ago, Lisa Burns
BLUE & WHITE GAME today at CLHS! Our refinished track is looking great as well!
over 2 years ago, Lisa Burns
Blue & White Game 2022
On Saturday, August 13th 12-3pm at the Swinging Bridge Park in Croswell, Croswell Wesleyan Church is hosting the Back to School Expo. This is a family oriented back to school community outreach event designed to meet the back to school needs of students and families in and around our community and offer a day of community fun for all. Students can bring their supply lists and “shop” for free school supplies. Students must be present to receive supplies. Local salons and barber shops will have several stylists on-site that will be offering free back to school haircuts to all students as well. Dr. Gormley and McKenzie Health have also partnered with us to offer free sports physicals to our middle and high school students on site. We will have physical forms available at the event. They must be signed by a parent in order for the student to be seen. We have lots of family fun in store as well. J&N Party Tent and Rentals will be bringing bounce houses for the kids. The firemen will be bringing down their firetruck for the kids to explore. We will have a picnic lunch sponsored by Jeff’s Market and our local fireman. CL Spirit will be hosting some fun tumbling activities during the event as well, and we will have raffles and prize give-aways throughout the day. We want to thank all of our community sponsors who have signed up thus far. We want this to be an event that the whole community can participate in and bring their families too. For more information about the event, you can also contact the church office at 810-679-3881. All are welcome, and we hope to see you there! See less — at Croswell Swinging Bridge.
over 2 years ago, Cros-Lex Community Schools
Back to School Expo
Final push for the weekend before Fall practices start on Monday. Reminder to get you athlete signed up on Student Central. Your student has received instructions in their email and it will be attached to this posting as well. Students you are not creating an account, you are logging in with your school email and the password is bigteams. Also when linking accounts. this must come from the students email to the parent email Both parent and student must sign forms on the site as well as make sure to pay the $50.00 participation fee. If everything is not complete you will not get a green dot next to your students name. Coaches can not put their athletes on a roster until they have completed everything. Have a great weekend and looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday. Go Pioneers Jeff Kosal
over 2 years ago, Jeff Kosal
Next Monday August 8th will start our Cross-Country official practice. We are still in need some guys to help fill our team. We are sending this announcement hoping to catch those 9th graders who may be interested in joining a HS team or others that are not involved in a Fall sport. Please contact me at for more information. Sunday/Monday Aug 8th midnight practice at HS track The next two weeks we offer two practice times 8:00am or 7 pm at the HS track No previous experience necessary. Lisa Shaw
over 2 years ago, Jeff Kosal
Thank you to everyone that has signed up so far. Reminder that next Monday is the start of Fall sports. Please take the time to get your athletes signed up. We are back in the office starting this week so if you need any help please feel free to email or give us a call.
over 2 years ago, Jeff Kosal
Big Teams Setup
CLHS BACK TO SCHOOL UPDATE: The orientation packet is coming soon in the mail. Please click the link below for a sneak peek at important dates and information:
over 2 years ago, Lisa Burns
Here are the instructions, that have been sent to your students emails since the beginning of June, to follow to upload your information for your athletes. Remember you are not creating an account. Your students already have accounts. You will use the password that is in the instructions to login. Once in you will change your password. Hope this helps.
over 2 years ago, Jeff Kosal
Big Team Instructions
We are just a few days away from Band camp beginning and about a week away from fall sports starting. There are a lot of students that have not even logged in to begin setting up your accounts. Reminder if you do not have your account up to date you will not be able to begin band camp or athletic practices. Please get your accounts up to date ASAP. Mrs. Sheridan and myself have sent numerous emails to the students email regarding how to get your account set up. Thank you Mr. Kosal
over 2 years ago, Jeff Kosal
Cros-Lex Families: For students enrolled in the August 1st Summer School Session, bus stop information can be found at Upcoming events and school supply information can be found at
over 2 years ago, Cros-Lex Community Schools
Upcoming Events
Hiring School Bus Drivers! Call 810-679-1070
over 2 years ago, Cros-Lex Community Schools
Now Hiring School Bus Drivers
Big Teams online athletic signup. Good afternoon Pioneer Students and Parents We are less then 2 weeks from the start of Marching Band Camp and three weeks from Fall Athletics beginning. Remember you must have your physical forms and account up to date in order to participate in your respective after school activities. You must have signed into the Student Central platform that Mrs. Sheridan and myself have emailed the students numerous times since the beginning of June . You must upload your both sides of the physical form and completely filled out, electronically sign all documents and pay your athletic fee (not band) prior to the first day of practice which is Aug 8th. Do not wait for the last minute to complete this process because we must have time to approve everything before you will receive a green button next to your name. If you do not have a green button next to your name you will not be able to begin practice. I will be out at the fields or at the courts the first couple days of practice. Along with myself and coaches we will be checking to make sure kids have completed the requirements in order to begin. Again, if you do not have a green dot next to your name you will not be able to begin practice. Enjoy the last two to three weeks and look forward to seeing everyone very very soon. Thank you Jeff Kosal Athletic Director
over 2 years ago, Jeff Kosal
CLHS DRAMA PROGRAM UPDATE: Attention all CLHS students who are interested in Drama for the 2022-2023 school year. Please see the attached flyer for information about upcoming auditions!
over 2 years ago, Lisa Burns
Drama Auditions Flyer Fall 2022
CLHS Art teacher Mrs. Stomack recently put up some new paintings done by Cros-Lex Middle School & High School students at Thumbs Up. These paintings will be up until mid-August. Be sure to check our our Pioneer talent!
over 2 years ago, Lisa Burns
Art at Thumbs Up 2
Art at Thumbs up 1
CLHS Update: Second semester report cards are now available for viewing in Skyward under the Student Portfolio tab. Also, Skyward access ends for the summer on June 24 and will reopen in August. Have a great summer! Go Pioneers!
over 2 years ago, Kyle Wood
BigTeams Getting Started Guide for Parents and Students! Just another reminder for how to register your athletes and Marching Band students for the 2022-2023 seasons. For more information please visit:
over 2 years ago, Sara Sheridan