Making Visions A Reality students and their teacher Mrs. Jolley received this thank you letter from McLaren Port Huron Foundation for their recent donation to the Demashkieh Women's Wellness Place at McLaren Port Huron. Great job, MVaR and CLHS!! #ProudToBePioneers
about 3 years ago, Lisa Burns
MVaR Womens Wellness Donation
CLHS hosted a food drive prior to the holiday break in coordination with the Croswell Lions Club. The following message was received from the Croswell Lions regarding the success of this drive: "We are just in awe of the volume of food collected! The Croswell Lions send a heartfelt Thank You and Congratulations to Cros-Lex Schools Administration, Staff, and especially to the students and their parents on a very successful food drive. Your generous donations were definitely needed and appreciated. Merry Christmas to All!" #ProudToBePioneers #PioneersAreLeadersEveryDay
about 3 years ago, Lisa Burns
Lions Club Food Drive Dec 2021
Bravo to Mr. Czarnik and the CLHS Band as well as the 8th grade band for a very festive and fantastic Holiday Concert last night!
about 3 years ago, Lisa Burns
8th grade band
HOLIDAY CARE PACKAGES: Please click the links below to access flyers from St. Clair County DHHS with information on holiday care packages.
about 3 years ago, Lisa Burns
CLHS SADD COAT DRIVE: The Students Against Destructive Decisions (S.A.D.D.) club of Croswell-Lexington High School is hosting a cold weather gear drive for Frostick and Meyer Elementary schools. We are inviting the community to participate in donating new or gently used items that could be provided to elementary students who may be without. If you would like to donate, there will be a box located in the front office of the high school. Students can donate in other locations within the building. We are accepting donations from December 6th through January 21st. Suggested items include coats, hats, snow pants, and gloves for ages 5-9. Thank you in advance to the community for supporting our youngest Pioneers!
about 3 years ago, Lisa Burns
SADD Coat Drive 2021
Upcoming Important Calendar Updates and Changes: Wednesday November 24, 2021: No school / Thanksgiving Break Wednesday December 8, 2021 : Student ½ Day / Teacher Full Day Friday December 10, 2021: No students / Teacher Full Day December 20th - January 1, 2022: Holiday Break begins Monday January 3, 2022: No students / Teacher Full Day Tuesday January 4, 2022: All students Return Friday January 14, 2022: End of 1st semester Monday January 17, 2022: No students / Teacher Full Day * Pending MDE Approval
about 3 years ago, Cros-Lex Community Schools
Upcoming Important Calendar Updates and Changes
Happy Birthday Ms. Burns!
about 3 years ago, Cros-Lex Community Schools
happy birthday Ms. Burns!
PICTURE RETAKE DAY: Reminder that picture retakes at CLHS will be this Monday, November 15th.
about 3 years ago, Lisa Burns
ATTENTION SENIOR PARENTS: The link below outlines the specifications for senior pictures in the yearbook. Please read carefully and note the submission deadline is in January. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Lisa Burns
Croswell-Lexington Schools is proud to start for the first time an Art Club that includes both High School and Middle School students! The Art Club's new website is up and running, so any students or parents that are interested can see what's going on - calendar, meeting notes, events and activities, as well as announcements, documents and other communication tools for members. A link to the Art Club website is below:
about 3 years ago, Lisa Burns
Art Club Logo
Good luck to our Pioneer XC runners who are headed to the MHSAA State Finals at Michigan International Speedway this weekend! Here is a video of part of their sendoff from school today!
about 3 years ago, Lisa Burns
Cros-Lex High School’s Marching Band, ThePride of the Pioneers are getting in one last practice this morning before tomorrow’s game.
about 3 years ago, Cros-Lex Community Schools
marching band on field
marching band on field
Here is the GoFan link for both Friday nights football game and Monday's volleyball game at Yale that begins at 5:00pm. Tickets must be purchased from GoFan in order to get into the game.
about 3 years ago, Jeff Kosal
ATTENTION PARENTS OF GRADES 9, 10, AND 11: The Sanilac Career Center is having a Showcase Night where parents and students can tour and get information about career center programs. Click the link below for a flyer with more details.
about 3 years ago, Lisa Burns
Update, just received word that all ticket sales will be on GoFan only. Here is the link for the GoFan account to buy tickets for the game Friday night. No passes will be accepted and everyone must purchase a ticket for entry into the game. If you leave there is no reentry
about 3 years ago, Jeff Kosal
Here is the link for the GoFan account to buy tickets for the game Friday night. We will also be selling tickets at the gate. No passes will be accepted and everyone must purchase a ticket for entry into the game. If you leave there is no reentry
about 3 years ago, Jeff Kosal
Playoff football returns to Pioneer stadium this Friday night Oct 29th starting at 7pm. the Pioneers will be taking on Notre Dame Prep. Come out early, get a great seat and get loud as we cheer on our football team on their road to the finals.
about 3 years ago, Jeff Kosal
What's it like to be a CLHS Pioneer?: This week the Navy Recruiters visited our students in Pioneer Hall during lunches. SADD members traded candy for compliments for National Make a New Friend Day and Student Confidence Day. Ms. Toton's Financial Literacy class had an auction with items donated Texas Roadhouse, Corner Market, Michigan Sugar, Nehmer's Jewelry, A&W, and Lexington Marathon. Thank you to all!
about 3 years ago, Lisa Burns
Ms. Toton's Financial Lit Auction 2021
Navy Recruiters 2021
SADD  activity 1
SADD activity 2
ATTENTION SENIOR PARENTS: Please click the link below for information on FAFSA Night 2021 which will be on Monday, October 25th! Have a great weekend and Go Pioneers!
about 3 years ago, Lisa Burns
Here is the link to view tonight's varsity football game at Garber. There is a fee to view.
about 3 years ago, Jeff Kosal