Hello Cros-Lex Families!
I hope you and your family are healthy, safe, and enjoying our wonderful Michigan summer weather, and able to enjoy this special time of the year!
This email communication is to provide you with an update with our back to school planning for the fall. I am humbled to share with the District and community how much effort each member of this committee has been put in to develop and draft this COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan. The Committee is comprised of seven teachers, 9 district/school administrators, three board members, and two parents who have invested dozens of hours over multiple days and weeks. This plan was officially approved last night by the Cros-Lex Board of Education and is a living document as we progress together through our evolving circumstances due to COVID-19.
Our primary goal is to ensure all students receive a high quality education in both scenarios, 100% virtual or in face to face instruction, five days a week. To help us achieve this goal, we are asking that everyone complete the survey link HERE no later than August 5th, so our District administration can make the most accurate staffing decisions and plans for teacher professional development prior to the start of school. Once we process the parent survey results and determine how many 100% virtual student seats there will be, the District will prioritize filling open online virtual class assignments with Cros-Lex teachers. We plan to share the results of our survey on our district website.
After reviewing the Governor’s “Michigan Safe Start Plan” and the “Return to School Roadmap Plan” CDC guidance documents, our district Return to School Committee has determined that during Phase 4, two options will be offered to parents and their children.
Option 1: Face to Face instruction 5 days a week. | Option 2: Our district will offer a 100% virtual learning option for families who are not comfortable returning and choose to keep their child at home. |
Phases 4 - 6
| Phases 1-6 ● All students learn 100% online
● Curriculum provided through a content vendor and customized by Cros-Lex teachers ● Flexible schedule for families ● Provide intervention and specialized supports by teachers ● District provided laptops to all students |
Additionally, we are actively planning for the safe return to school and making plans for the proper PPE supplies and the daily safety procedures that will be in place to support a healthy learning environment.
On Monday, July 27th, the Board of Education and community members present, received the COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan as required by Governor Whitmer’s 2020-142 Executive Order, and approved the plan. The COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan linked HERE is a living document and will be updated as conditions change. In addition, the summary of the back to school choices are represented in the visual infographic District Roadmap plan HERE.
Dan Gilbertson