Update Image


Hello Pioneers, we hope everyone is having a great week so far and has a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We wanted to take just a moment to provide another brief update.    

We appreciate the hard work of our students, our parents, and our staff!  A reminder to have students check their email regularly as that is how we will provide updates.  The weekly assignments will be posted in Brightspace by 8 AM Monday morning and are due by 6 PM Sunday night.  

Also, students must make contact via email twice per week with their mentor teacher.  This is how the state requires us to take attendance for students while learning remotely.  Not responding to emails from mentor teachers will result in your child being marked absent and potentially truant.

If you are having trouble with reliable internet access and would like to sign up for a hot spot please email Mrs. Shell at jshell@croslex.org

We are now planning to make the HS cafeteria available for students who are having trouble with reliable internet access.  This would also be available for students who need more support.  We plan to have the cafeteria available Monday-Thursday from 8 AM until noon.  We can provide bus transportation to school but transportation home would need to be provided by guardians.  The form to sign up will be available on the district website, the HS Facebook page, and will be sent in a text message to parents following this message.  The form must be completed by 3 PM the day before to attend the next day.  The cafeteria is limited to the first 40 students who sign up each day. The link to the form is below:


Our next meal pick-up will be Monday from 9-10 Am in the parking lot between the MS and HS back by the the cafeteria doors.

Have a great Thanksgiving break everyone, stay safe, and go Pioneers!