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Good afternoon Pioneers,

Here is some information about Student Device Distribution, Student Course Schedules, Lockers, and School Pictures. This is the same content that was relayed via phone message today.

Student Device Distribution:

All students can pick up their devices next Tuesday, August 25th between 8am and 4pm or next Tuesday, September 1st between 8am and 4pm at the high school. 

Students will need an acceptable use agreement signed by a parent or guardian as well as their insurance payment in order to receive a device.  Insurance is $25 per device and can be paid by cash or check payable to Croswell-Lexington Community Schools. Forms are available at the high school office. 

Student Schedules:

Our guidance office and administration are working hard on the master schedule. Due to the circumstances this year in offering face-to-face as well as 100% online instruction, the scheduling process will not be completed until Friday, September 4th. At this time, students will be able to access their schedules in Skyward.  Schedule changes will take place the first week of school (September 8th through September 11). Schedule changes will be limited to imperative academic needs only.


All face-to-face students will be assigned new lockers for the 2020-2021 school year to allow for proper spacing at lockers.  Students can check their Skyward account on September 5th for locker numbers and combinations.

School Pictures:

School picture day will be Tuesday, September 29th.

We will continue to send updates to the community via phone call, school website, and school Facebook page. 

Thank you and Go Pioneers!