This notice is to be provided whenever a pesticide, other than a bait or gel formulation, is to be applied at this facility. The information will be posted using the methods identified in the annual Advisory To Parents.
Attention: Parents / Guardians of students attending this facility: High School, Middle School.
This facility utilizes an Integrated Pest Management approach for pest control, employing non-chemical methods that include sanitation and exclusion to control pests. However, from time to time a pesticide application may be necessary to control certain pests. Please be advised that a pesticide is expected to be applied to control: Broadleaf weeds
The approximate location of this pest control treatment is: Athletic Fields, Front, Rear, and Side Lawns, Parking Lot Borders.
The anticipated date of treatment will be: October 26th, 27th 2024, weather and activities permitting. Please watch for pesticide signage.
Reentry info: permitted once product is dry.
If you have questions pertaining to this treatment, please contact:
Name: Gary Bennett
Phone: 810-679-1025
For further information pertaining to pesticides you can contact the National Pesticide Information Center at Oregon State University. The toll free number is 800-858-7378. The website is
For additional information pertaining to pesticide use, you can contact the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD). The MDARD’s web site is and a contact phone number for MDARD is 800-292-3939.